God called the attention of the elects to "REMEMBER" as a sundry warning to be watchful for several important reasons, each tied to the spiritual health and faithfulness of His people. Here’s a deeper exploration of why "remember" is so crucial in God’s warnings:

1. Preventing Backsliding and Forgetfulness:

God knows that human nature tends to forget, especially during times of prosperity, comfort, or spiritual stagnation. Throughout Scripture, when God calls His people to remember, He is urging them to recall their relationship with Him, the blessings they've received, and the consequences of sin. Forgetting God's past acts of deliverance and faithfulness often leads to backsliding. This forgetfulness causes a weakening of faith, neglect of obedience, and drifting into sin. By commanding the elect to remember, God provides a safeguard against spiritual decline:

Deuteronomy 8:11-14 reminds Israel to remember their dependence on God, so they don’t fall into pride and idolatry when they become prosperous. Psalm 78:40-42 illustrates how Israel’s failure to remember God’s works led them to grieve and provoke God.

2. Encouraging Repentance and Returning to God

When God calls His people to remember how they have fallen or turned away from Him, it is often an invitation to repentance and restoration. This remembrance is not just intellectual but deeply spiritual, prompting the elect to compare their present condition with the spiritual heights they once enjoyed. It is a call to recognize their need for repentance and return to their first love and devotion to God:

Revelation 2:5 calls the church of Ephesus to remember how far they have fallen, repent, and return to their former devotion. God, in His mercy, consistently offers the opportunity for His people to turn back to Him. Remembering is key to this process of repentance, helping believers see how far they have drifted and encouraging them to realign their hearts and lives with God’s will.

3. Remember Lot's wife

In Luke 17:32, Jesus gives a brief but powerful warning, reminding His followers of Lot’s wife, who looked back at Sodom and was turned into a pillar of salt. This serves as a caution against backsliding and returning to sin after being delivered.

4. Avoiding the Repetition of Past Mistakes

God often uses remembering as a way of warning His people not to repeat the sins of the past. By recalling past failures, the elect are reminded of the consequences of disobedience and rebellion, which motivates them to stay vigilant in their walk with God. This is particularly true when remembering instances of divine judgment or discipline that were brought about by sin:

Deuteronomy 9:7 calls the Israelites to remember how they provoked God’s wrath in the wilderness due to their rebellion, warning them to avoid repeating such behavior. Luke 17:32 reminds Jesus’ followers to remember Lot’s wife, who perished because of her backward glance to her old life of sin. By reflecting on these past examples, believers are reminded to be watchful and guard their hearts against the temptations and sins that could lead them down the same destructive path.

5. Remaining Grateful and Humble

God calls His elect to remember as a means of fostering gratitude and humility. When they reflect on God’s past faithfulness, provision, and protection, they are reminded that everything they have is by God's grace. This remembrance helps guard against the pride and self-sufficiency that can lead to sin: Deuteronomy 8:18 urges Israel to remember that it is God who gives them the power to gain wealth, ensuring they do not become prideful and forget His role in their success. Remembering God's blessings and acts of deliverance cultivates a heart of thanksgiving and humility, which keeps believers in a posture of reliance on God rather than on themselves.

6. Strengthening Faith and Hope

By calling the elect to remember His past acts of salvation, miracles, and faithfulness, God strengthens their faith and trust in Him for the future. This remembrance serves as an anchor in times of trials, encouraging believers to remain steadfast and hopeful, knowing that the same God who acted in the past will be faithful in the present and future:

Psalm 105:5 urges the elect to remember God's marvelous works, His wonders, and judgments, strengthening their confidence in His continued faithfulness. By remembering God’s faithfulness in history, the elect are encouraged to persevere through challenges and remain watchful, knowing that God’s promises are true.

7. Remaining Watchful for the Return of Christ

In the New Testament, Jesus and the apostles often call the elect to remember as part of being spiritually alert and watchful for His return. This is a warning to avoid complacency and to live in a state of readiness, keeping their hearts pure and their eyes focused on eternal things:

Luke 17:32 reminds believers of the danger of looking back longingly at worldly things, as Lot's wife did, which serves as a warning to remain watchful and forward-focused on Christ’s return. The command to remember keeps the elect vigilant, maintaining a holy lifestyle and avoiding distractions that can pull them away from God’s purpose.

Overall, God's call to remember is a vital part of His strategy to keep His people from spiritual failure, backsliding, and sin. It serves as a reminder of His past faithfulness, a call to repentance, and a warning to avoid past mistakes. Through remembering, the elect are encouraged to remain humble, grateful, and watchful, fully relying on God for their spiritual growth and protection. Remembering helps believers stay rooted in the truth of God’s Word and maintain a steady course of obedience and devotion, ensuring that they are prepared for His ultimate return. "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;" (Eclessiates 12:1). This verse warns young people to remember God early in life, urging them to stay faithful and avoid a life of regret, which comes with turning away from God in later years. These verses emphasize the importance of remembering God’s commandments, past deliverance, and warnings as a way of avoiding backsliding into sin.

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God called the attention of the elects to "REMEMBER" as a sundry warning to be watchful for several important reasons, each tied t...