Showing posts with label #sounddoctrine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #sounddoctrine. Show all posts

Monday, November 25, 2024


Presumptuous sins are willful, deliberate acts of disobedience where individuals knowingly defy God's commands.The Bible sternly warns against presumptuous sins because they provoke God's judgment and bring severe consequences. Presumption is a sin that occurs when someone assumes that an action is true or permissible without biblical justification. It is the act of seeking glory without merit or pardon without repentance. At its core, presumption reflects a mindset of overconfidence, pride, rebellion, and disregard for divine authority.

The Nature of Presumptuous Sin

1. Presumption Starts Small

The sin of presumption often begins with committing small sins under the assumption that God will forgive them. Over time, this behavior dulls the conscience, leading one to disregard the gravity of sin altogether. Eventually, it results in presuming upon God's mercy, even for grave sins, without genuine repentance.

2. Biblical Perspective

Psalm 19:13 refers to the “great transgression” as disobedience carried out in the name of the Lord. This type of sin involves acting without God’s authority or permission, assuming that God will bless or endorse one’s choices. Such arrogance often leads to spiritual ruin.

3. Definition of Presumption

Webster’s Dictionary defines presumption as “marked by headstrong confidence; unreasonable adventurousness; venturing to undertake something without reasonable prospect of success, or against the usual probabilities of safety.” In the spiritual context, it is to act outside of God’s will, expecting His support despite clear disobedience to His commands.

Biblical Examples of Presumptuous Sins

1. Uzzah's Death (2 Samuel 6:6-7)

Uzzah presumed to touch the Ark of the Covenant, ignoring God's explicit command that no one should touch it (Numbers 4:15). His act, though seemingly well-intentioned, was a direct violation of God's holy standards and resulted in his immediate death. This teaches us that good intentions do not justify disobedience.

2. Uzziah's Leprosy (2 Chronicles 26:18-21)

King Uzziah presumptuously entered the temple to burn incense, a role reserved exclusively for priests. His arrogance in disregarding God's order led to him being struck with leprosy, a permanent judgment for his sin. This story emphasizes the importance of respecting spiritual boundaries and authority.

3. Nadab and Abihu's Death (Leviticus 10:1-2)

Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, offered "strange fire" before the Lord, acting outside the prescribed sacrificial system. Their deliberate disobedience resulted in their immediate death by fire from the Lord. This incident underscores that worship must align with God's instructions and not human innovation.

4. The Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:27-30)

The Corinthians were guilty of partaking in the Lord's Supper unworthily, treating it with irreverence. This presumptuous act brought sickness and even death to some in the congregation. Paul’s admonition is a solemn reminder that holy ordinances must be approached with humility and reverence.

5. Ziba’s Deceit (2 Samuel 16:1-7)

Ziba’s presumptuous sin of deceit against Mephibosheth, falsely accusing him to King David, was driven by greed and ambition. Though Ziba temporarily gained an advantage, his actions were ultimately exposed, illustrating that presumptuous sins often bring disgrace and retribution.

Key Lessons on Presumptuous Sins

1. Disregard for Spiritual Order Has Consequences

Uzzah, Uzziah, and Nadab and Abihu all ignored God’s

clear instructions, and their presumptuous actions led to swift judgment. These examples highlight the seriousness of respecting God's commands and spiritual authority.

2. Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse

Numbers 15:30 distinguishes between unintentional sins and deliberate sins. While unintentional sins could be atoned for, presumptuous sins reflect a hardened heart and carry severe consequences. Ignorance cannot shield anyone from the repercussions of disobedience.

3. God Is Holy and Just

Presumptuous sins are an affront to God's holiness. Psalm 19:13 appeals to God for deliverance from such sins, recognizing their grave danger and the need for divine help to avoid them. This prayer shows that humility and dependence on God are vital in walking uprightly.

Modern Application

1. Reverence in Worship

Just as Nadab and Abihu were judged for offering unauthorized fire, Christians must ensure that their worship is sincere and aligns with biblical principles. Worshiping God carelessly or with the wrong motives risks incurring His displeasure.

2. Respecting Spiritual Boundaries

Uzziah’s presumption reminds us to honor God's designated roles and authorities within the church and ministry. Overstepping bounds in pride invites discipline or even judgment.

3. Approaching the holy things of God with Humility

The warning in 1 Corinthians 11 underscores the need for self-examination before participating in holy ordinances and other holy things of God. Christians must approach God’s table with a repentant and reverent heart.

4. Guarding Against Arrogance

Presumptuous sins often stem from pride or the assumption that one knows better than God. Believers must cultivate humility and obedience, understanding that God’s ways are higher than ours.

God’s Call to Avoid Presumption

Our Lord does not want us to act presumptuously. He calls us to follow Him in humility and obedience, staying within the boundaries He has set. Instead of presuming upon His grace, we are urged to walk in reverence, fully aware of His justice and holiness. Presumption is dangerous because it distorts the character of God, portraying Him as obligated to overlook sin or bless rebellion. As believers, we must guard our hearts against this sin, cultivating a spirit of submission and repentance. The sin is dangerous because they challenge God's sovereignty, reject His authority, and provoke His judgment. To avoid such sins, believers must seek to understand God’s Word, obey His commands, and approach Him with humility and reverence. As Psalm 19:13 reminds us, let us pray: "Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression."

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


A soothsayer is a person who claims to predict the future through supernatural means, often relying on spirits, divination, or occult practices. The Bible consistently condemns soothsaying as an abomination and a practice associated with paganism and rebellion against God. Soothsaying is contrary to God’s will because it seeks guidance apart from Him and aligns with the works of darkness.

Key Characteristics of a Soothsayer in Scripture

1. Fortune-Telling Through Divination

Soothsayers rely on divination to reveal hidden knowledge or predict the future. This practice is condemned as it seeks to bypass God’s sovereign will. Example: The young girl in Philippi who used a spirit of divination to tell fortunes and bring profit to her masters (Acts 16:16–18).

2. Association with Pagan Practices

Soothsayers are often linked to idolatry and the worship of false gods. Their practices are rooted in rebellion against God’s commandments. Example: The pagan nations surrounding Israel used soothsayers, sorcerers, and diviners, which God explicitly warned His people not to imitate (Deuteronomy 18:9–14).

3. Use of Enchantments and Magic

They often employ magical rituals, charms, or spells to deceive others and claim supernatural authority.

Example: Pharaoh’s magicians, who imitated Moses’ signs with enchantments (Exodus 7:11, 22).

4. Deception Through False Prophecy

Soothsayers may masquerade as prophets of God but are motivated by greed, power, or the influence of demonic spirits.

Example: Balaam, who sought to profit from his ability to pronounce blessings or curses, was ultimately rebuked by God for his deceitful ways (Numbers 22:1–6; 2 Peter 2:15–16).

The Bible is clear: God does not speak through soothsayers, sorcerers, or anyone operating under demonic influence. Such individuals may present themselves as prophets or spiritual guides, but their practices reveal them as agents of darkness. Believers must discern and avoid these deceivers, aligning themselves only with the truth of God’s Word.

Balaam: A False Prophet Disguised as a Servant of God

Balaam is often referred to as a prophet, yet his actions revealed him as a soothsayer. Though he claimed to speak for God, his heart was bent on personal gain, even at the expense of God’s people. His story warns us of the dangers of spiritual compromise (Numbers 22:1–6; 31:8; Joshua 13:22). Peter and Jude further expose Balaam’s greed and deceit as a cautionary tale for believers (2 Peter 2:15–16; Jude 1:11).

A soothsayer operates in opposition to God’s truth, relying on forbidden practices that align with Satan’s deception. God calls His people to reject these works of darkness and trust in Him alone as the source of wisdom and guidance. As believers, we are to stand firm in the light of Christ, exposing falsehood and declaring the truth of God’s Word.

Simon the Sorcerer: A False Man of God

In Samaria, Simon deceived many by portraying himself as a great man of God, yet he practiced sorcery (Acts 8:9–13). While he outwardly embraced the faith, his heart was not surrendered to Christ. His story reminds us that miraculous signs do not always signify God’s presence; they must align with His truth.

Elymas the Sorcerer: A False Prophet Opposing the Gospel

Elymas, also known as Bar-Jesus, opposed the apostles by attempting to turn people away from the faith (Acts 13:6, 8). Though his name implied association with God, his actions revealed him as a false prophet empowered by sorcery. This example warns against those who use spiritual deception to hinder God’s work.

The Spirit of Divination: Deceptive Appearances

In Philippi, a young woman followed Paul and Silas, proclaiming them as servants of the Most High God. However, her declarations came from a spirit of divination, not the Holy Spirit (Acts 16:16–18). While her words seemed true, the source of her power was demonic. Paul rebuked the spirit, affirming that God’s truth cannot be mingled with the works of darkness.

Sorcery and Its Allies: Works of Darkness

Sorcerers, diviners, and those who consult with familiar spirits or practice witchcraft are condemned throughout Scripture. They operate through enchantments and magical powers, bringing deception and destruction (Exodus 7:11, 22; Deuteronomy 18:9–14). God calls His people to expose and reject such unfruitful works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11).

A Scriptural Warning

“And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?”. Today, many still use the guise of spirituality to deceive. They may claim to predict the future, perform miracles, or possess divine insight, but their practices reveal their allegiance to Satan. “Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and enquire of her. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor.” Therefore, such individuals are not mouthpieces for God but agents of deception (Isaiah 8:19; 1 Samuel 28:7).

Condemnation of Soothsaying

The Bible unequivocally condemns soothsaying as a sin and an act of rebellion against God. Here are some specific passages:

1. Old Testament Prohibition

God explicitly forbids His people from engaging in soothsaying or any related practices, associating them with pagan nations.

“There shall not be found among you anyone who practices divination, or tells fortunes, or interprets omens, or a sorcerer” (Deuteronomy 18:10).

2. Condemnation of Pagan Nations

Soothsaying is cited as one of the reasons for God’s judgment on the nations.

“For the customs of the peoples are vanity: a tree from the forest is cut down and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman” (Jeremiah 10:3, referring to idolatrous and superstitious practices).

3. False Prophets and Deception

The Bible warns against false prophets who act like soothsayers, leading people astray with counterfeit signs and wonders.

“Do not listen to the dreams that they dream, for it is a lie that they are prophesying to you in my name; I did not send them, declares the Lord” (Jeremiah 29:8–9).

Why Soothsaying Is Condemned

1. It Rejects God’s Sovereignty

Soothsaying undermines trust in God and seeks forbidden knowledge apart from Him. Scripture reminds us that only God knows the future (Isaiah 46:9–10).

2. It Opens Doors to Demonic Influence

Many soothsayers operate through the power of familiar spirits or demons, aligning themselves with Satan's kingdom (Isaiah 8:19).

3. It Leads to Spiritual Deception

Soothsayers often provide partial truths or lies that lead people away from God’s truth (2 Thessalonians 2:9–10).

4. It Violates God’s Commandments

Seeking guidance from soothsayers reflects disobedience to God’s Word, as it directly opposes His will for His people (Leviticus 19:31).

Christian Response to Soothsaying

1. Reject and Avoid It

Believers must have no association with soothsaying or related practices. “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them” (Ephesians 5:11).

2. Seek God Alone for Guidance

Trust in the Lord for direction and wisdom. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5–6).

3. Pray for Discernment

Ask God for spiritual discernment to identify and avoid deception. “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God” (1 John 4:1).

A Prayer for Discernment

May God open your eyes to recognize these agents of darkness, protecting you from their schemes. Pray for wisdom and discernment to align with God’s truth and remain steadfast in His Word. As we grow in spiritual maturity, let us expose deception and cling to the light of Christ.

“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them” (Ephesians 5:11). May the Lord guide you in His truth, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, October 26, 2023


Generally, sin is defined as any thought, word, or action that goes against God's will and breaks His commandments. It is a separation from God and a rebellion against His perfect and holy nature. Sin is seen as a universal problem that affects all human beings since the fall of man in the garden of Eden, as stated in Romans 3:23: "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." The consequences of sin before God are severe. The Bible teaches that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), which refers to both physical death and spiritual separation from God. Hence, sin creates a barrier between humanity and God, preventing a close and intimate relationship with Him. It also leads to guilt, shame, and a sense of spiritual emptiness.

Despite the consequences of sin, God offers forgiveness and redemption through Jesus Christ. Through His sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus paid the price for humanity's sins, offering salvation and the opportunity for reconciliation with God. By repenting of our sins, accepting Jesus as their Savior, and following His teachings, we can be forgiven and restored to a right relationship with God. The question now is, how can I be saved?

In the book of Acts 2:37-41: "Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call. And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation. Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls".

Sin is the root cause of our separation from God and the path that leads to eternal destruction. Among the myriad of questions one could ask, "How can I be saved?" stands as the most crucial and profound. It addresses the very essence of where we will spend eternity once our earthly lives come to an end. The Bible provides a clear answer: salvation is attained through belief in Jesus (Acts 16:31). This belief determines our eternal destiny, making it a matter of utmost importance. In recent times, the sinner's prayer has become increasingly relied upon as the means of accepting Jesus' offer of salvation. Our eternal destiny surpasses all other concerns in this world. While peace, happiness, and love are universally sought after, only a select few truly understand the concept of abundant life. God's love is available to all, but it requires a willingness to receive and embrace it. By understanding God's nature of love, identifying barriers, and taking practical steps to cultivate a relationship with Him, you can experience the abundant life He has planned for you. Don't miss out on the incredible love that God offers; open your heart and allow His love to transform your life.

1. GOD’S LOVE: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). God's love is not conditional or limited; it is an inherent part of His nature. He loves you unconditionally, regardless of your past mistakes or shortcomings. Understanding this fundamental truth is crucial in experiencing His love fully.

1. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

2. MAN’S PROBLEM: Throughout history, humanity has grappled with the consequences of sin, which has caused us to lose our inherent nature and the privileges that come with it. Sin acts as a barrier, separating us from God and preventing us from fully experiencing His love and the abundance of life He intended for us. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

Recognizing the reality of this separation is the first step towards seeking a solution. Only by acknowledging the existence of this barrier can we begin to explore ways to overcome it and restore our relationship with God.

“Behold, the LORD’S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear” (Isaiah 59:1,2).

3. GOD’S SOLUTION: Fortunately, there is indeed a way out of the separation caused by sin. Recognizing that our own efforts are insufficient, God, in His infinite love for humanity, devised a plan of salvation. He understood that we would be unable to find a solution on our own. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).

“But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)” – (Ephesians 2:4). By accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior and embracing His sacrifice, we can experience redemption and find a way out of our separation from God. It is through this act of faith and surrender that we can receive forgiveness for our sins and embark on a journey towards a restored and abundant life in communion with our Creator.

4. MAN’S RESPONSE: Indeed, while salvation is a free gift from God, it requires our personal response in order to fully benefit from His love and provisions. God's offer of salvation is available to all, but it is up to each individual to personally receive and accept this gift. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9).

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20).

“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12). Just as a gift remains unopened and unused until it is received, we must actively accept and embrace God's gift of salvation in order to enjoy its full benefits. It is through this personal response that we can enter into a life of restored relationship with God, experiencing His love, forgiveness, and the abundant life He has prepared for us.


Salvation is not a matter of following specific steps to earn it; rather, it is a gracious gift bestowed upon us by God through our faith in Jesus Christ. This gift encompasses complete deliverance from the consequences of sin, and it is through our belief in Christ that we attain this salvation. Consequently, it is important for Christians to openly acknowledge Jesus as their Savior. While it is true that we should turn away from sin and dedicate our lives to obeying God, these actions do not serve as prerequisites for salvation. Instead, they are the natural outcomes of receiving salvation. Our sinful nature renders us incapable of earning salvation in any way. This is precisely why Jesus sacrificed Himself on our behalf. We are utterly unable to repay our debt of sin to God or cleanse ourselves from it. Only God could accomplish our salvation, and He has done so. God Himself has fulfilled the necessary "steps" and now extends salvation to all who are willing to accept it from Him. The steps are:

1. Admit that you are a sinner. "For all [humans] have sinned and comes short of the glory of God. [and] the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 3:23).

2. Repent now. "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out ...[for] if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness " (Acts 3:19, 1 John 1:9). deals with where we will spend eternity after our lives in this world are over. deals with where we will spend eternity after our lives in this world are over.

3. Believe that God loves you and Jesus died for you. "God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet Sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

4. Invite Jesus into your life through prayer of faith. Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20).


"Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise … For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. " (Jeremiah 17:14; Romans 10:12-13). Therefore, you can choose any of the suggested prayers of repentance below for salvation:

Here is the late Billy Graham’s example, from his book How to Be Born Again (169). “O God, I acknowledge that I have sinned against You. I am sorry for my sins. I am willing to turn from my sins. I openly receive and acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Savior. I confess Him as Lord. From this moment on I want to live for Him and serve Him. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Almighty God, I thank you because you love me. When I was lost in sin, you sent Jesus Christ to die for me. I believe that the blood He shed was for my pardon. Today, I repent of my sins and ask for forgiveness. Lord Jesus, come into my heart and be my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for coming into my heart according to your promise. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I come before You with a sincere and humble heart. Acknowledging my sins, I repent wholeheartedly and seek Your abundant mercy. Let your blood shed on the cross of calvary wash away my sins and make me whole. In Your forgiveness o Lord! may I find salvation for my soul. Enable me to turn from my wrongful ways, embracing Your divine precepts and sin no more. Amen!

Heavenly Father, I come to you with a repentant heart, seeking your forgiveness and salvation. Please cleanse me of all my sins through the blood of my Lord Jesus Christ and help me to live a life that is pleasing to you from today onward. Amen!


After experiencing the transformative power of salvation, the ultimate objective is to foster a deep and meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. This entails not only growing closer to Him but also cultivating connections with fellow believers, striving for godliness, righteousness, and actively working towards the salvation that has been granted. It is crucial to persevere in the journey of grace, seeking subsequent encounters with Christian sanctification and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, all in order to wholeheartedly serve God until the glorious day we meet Jesus face to face.

1. Go and sin no more. In John 5:14, Jesus heals a man who had been an invalid for 38 years. Afterward, Jesus finds him in the temple and says to him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you”.

2. Read and live by the WORD of God every day – (Psalm 119:9,11). This means, you need to attend the bible study with other children of God, but more importantly, personal time for reading, understanding and meditating on the Bible must be a priority, allowing them to shape your thoughts, actions, and character. The Bible is a divine roadmap that illuminates the path to a closer relationship with God.

3. Spend some time in PRAYER every day – (Philip. 4:6). Engage in heartfelt conversations with God, expressing your gratitude, seeking guidance, and pouring out your innermost thoughts and desires. Prayer is a powerful tool for deepening your connection with Him.

4. FELLOWSHIP with other believers in the Church so that you can be cared for and grow up spiritually – (Hebrews 10:25). Though salvation is a personal decision, the journey afterwards cannot be navigated in isolation. New believers need the encouragement of more established and spiritually matured brethren, participating in small groups, and attending church services can provide opportunities for mutual encouragement, accountability, and spiritual growth.

5. YIELD your life to God, be baptized: As a new convert in Christ, baptism by immersion in water is simply non-negotiable, (Acts 22:16). WITNESS daily for Christ and BRING others to Him – (Mark 1:17).

6. Serve others selflessly: (1 Peter 4:10-11; Hebrews 1:14). Follow in the footsteps of Jesus by actively demonstrating love, compassion, and kindness towards others. Engaging in acts of service not only reflects God's character but also deepens your understanding of His love and grace.

7. Embrace spiritual disciplines (2 Corinthians 13:5-7; 2 Peter 1:5-11): Incorporate disciplines such as fasting, solitude, and silence into your spiritual routine. These practices create space for reflection, self-examination, and a heightened awareness of God's presence.

8. Engage in worship and praise (Isaiah 43:21; Psalm 150:6; Hebrews 13:15): Lift your voice in adoration and thanksgiving, both privately and in community. Worshiping God through music, song, and expressions of reverence helps to cultivate a spirit of intimacy and awe.

9. Stay connected to the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14-17): Continually seek the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit in your daily life. Allow Him to lead, teach, and transform you, enabling you to live a life that honors God.

You are now born again because of following the steps stated above! Therefore, continue in His love, word, and the new life of obedience to God. Remember, growing your relationship with God is a lifelong journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and a genuine desire to know Him more intimately. By actively engaging in these practices, you will find yourself drawing closer to God, experiencing His love, and being transformed into the image of Christ. Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, if ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples; indeed, and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:31-32).

Monday, September 25, 2023


“When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains” (Matthew 24:15-16). Here, Jesus spoke of a coming “abomination of desolation” in the Olivet Discourse as He referenced a future event Jesus was referring to a prophecy originally given to the prophet Daniel: “And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days” (Daniel 12:11; Read Daniel 9:27). The concept of the "abomination of desolation" is indeed a significant and biblical prophecy in the Bible, primarily in the book of Daniel and mentioned by Jesus in the New Testament. It carries both historical and future implications, and its interpretation can vary among theologians and scholars, but the word of God is true an abided for ever. Here is an overview of its key aspects of this prophecy:

1. Daniel's Prophecy (Daniel 12:11; Daniel 9:27): In the book of Daniel, specifically in Daniel 12:11, there is a reference to the "abomination that causes desolation." This prophecy has historical fulfillments, including events involving the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes during the intertestamental period. Antiochus defiled the Jewish temple and prohibited Jewish religious practices.

2. Jesus' Reference & future fulfillment (Matthew 24:15): Jesus refers to Daniel's prophecy in the New Testament in Matthew 24:15, where He speaks of a future fulfillment of the "abomination of desolation." This reveals that while there were historical events related to this prophecy, there is also a future aspect that is yet to occur. Many interpretations of the "abomination of desolation" focus on a future fulfillment associated with the end times. This often involves the idea that an Antichrist figure will set up an idol or engage in a blasphemous act in a holy place (possibly a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem) and demand worship. "And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH Revelation 17:4-5" (Please read Revelation17:16-17).

3. Desolation and Fleeing: According to the prophecies, the abomination of desolation will trigger a period of great distress, and people in Judea are advised to flee to the mountains for safety. This event is seen as a significant sign of the end times and the Second Coming of Christ. Read Matthew 24:16-21; Rev 12:14.

4. Variations in Interpretation: The interpretation of the "abomination of desolation" can vary among different Christian denominations and theological traditions. Some see it as a literal event, while others view it symbolically, representing various forms of spiritual idolatry, persecution, and wickedness.

While historical events, such as those involving Antiochus Epiphanes and the Roman occupation of Jerusalem, may have partial fulfillments, there is a widely held biblical prophecy that there will be a future, ultimate fulfillment associated with the end times and the coming of an Antichrist figure. Interpretations of the specifics of this event may vary, but it remains a significant aspect of eschatological discussions in Christian faith.

The explanation provides a detailed interpretation of the prophetic elements related to the "abomination of desolation" as described in the book of Daniel and mentioned by Jesus in the New Testament. It highlights several key points:

A. Treaty with Israel: There will be a future covenant or treaty made with the people of Israel, often interpreted as a significant future event.

B. Duration of the Treaty: The treaty's duration is understood to be a period of seven years, commonly associated with the prophetic Daniel "week" in biblical terms.

C. Midway Event: In the middle of this seven-year period, the ruler will take actions that disrupt Jewish religious practices, specifically ending the sacrifices and offerings in the temple.

D. Desecration of the Temple: The ruler will commit an act of desecration within the temple, often involving a sacrilegious object or act.

E. Timing of Judgment: The desecration of the temple will continue for a specified period, 1,290 days (approximately 3½ years and 1 month), until the judgment of God is executed. This is the Great Tribulation that depicted as a period of unprecedented suffering and turmoil, as indicated in Matthew 24:21. It is said to last for a period of three and a half years and is considered the latter half of a seven-year tribulation period. It is often seen as means to bring suffering to Israel, leading them to recognize their need for the Messiah (Jesus Christ) whom they have historically rejected. This suffering is believed to prepare Israel for their ultimate reconciliation with the Messiah. Therefore, the interpretation aligns with the idea that the "abomination of desolation" represents a significant and offensive act that defiles a holy place, causing desolation and leading to divine judgment. The act of "abomination" is detested or loathed by God due to its offensiveness to His holiness. it is seen as an act or object that goes against God's sacred nature and triggers His judgment. However, all believers who are raptured would not go through the great tribulation but experience eternal salvation and join in a joyful celebration, often referred to as the "marriage supper in heaven with Christ," as described in Revelation 19:6-9.

As a result, it serves as a reminder of the need for vigilance, prayer, and readiness for the unfolding of these events as part of the broader eschatological narrative in Christian faith. This is a message of encouragement and caution for believers because the time is short. Here are some key points for Christians to take note:

1. Watchfulness and Prayer: Believers are encouraged to remain vigilant and in a state of constant prayer, staying spiritually awake and aware of the signs of the times (Matthew 26:41; 1 Thessalonians 5:17).

2. The Imminent Rapture: The message highlights the imminent catching away of the saints popularly known as the rapture of the saints, a significant event in Christian eschatology where believers are said to be caught up to be with the Lord in the air. The bible reference in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, fully explained how the rapture looks like. It describes the how the true believers in Christ (the brides) will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, an event that is anticipated to precede the Great Tribulation. Hence, be prepared!

3. Avoiding Earthly Entanglements: Believers are cautioned against becoming too entangled or preoccupied with the affairs of this world. Earthly concerns, distractions, and sinful behaviors are seen as potential hindrances to spiritual readiness (1John 2:15-17).

4. Spiritual Preparation: The message underscores the importance of spiritual purity and living a blameless life. This includes turning away from sin, seeking forgiveness through Jesus Christ, and striving for holiness (Matthew 24:42; Hebrews 12:14).

5. The Analogy of the Bride: Believers are encouraged to prepare for the rapture like a bride getting ready for her bridegroom. This analogy signifies a state of readiness, purity, and anticipation (Revelation 19:7).

Above all, believers in Christ are encouraged to continue and maintain their faith, remain vigilant in their spiritual walk, and be prepared for the anticipated return of Christ and the rapture event. They are to prioritize more on spiritual matters over worldly concerns and to live a life that is pleasing to God in anticipation of that glorious event. For those who are yet to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ by repenting of their sins through confession and forsake them are encouraged to do so now because tomorrow may be too late. Now is the day of salvation!

Saturday, September 23, 2023


“But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.” - Matthew 13:29,30; (Please read Matthew 13:23-43) - KJV.

The parable of the wheat and tares, as presented in this message, is a powerful teaching from Jesus Christ about the coexistence of good and evil in the world and the eventual separation of the righteous from the unrighteous. his parable is one of several parables that Jesus used to teach important spiritual lessons about the kingdom of heaven. In this parable:

• The sower represents Jesus, who sows good seed in His field, which represents the world.

• The good seed represents the children of the kingdom, or the righteous.

• The tares represent the children of the wicked one, or the unrighteous.

• The enemy who sowed the tares represents the devil.

Here are some key lessons and concepts from this parable:

1. Coexistence of Good and Evil: The parable illustrates that in the world and even within religious congregations, there is a mixture of genuine believers (wheat) and those who may appear righteous but are not truly committed to God (tares).

2. Spiritual Warfare: It emphasizes that Christians are engaged in a spiritual battle and need to be vigilant against the schemes of the enemy. The enemy often tries to sow confusion and discord among believers when they are vulnerable.

3. Caution against Hasty Judgment: When the servants of the sower (representing believers) notice the presence of tares, they inquire about uprooting them. However, the sower advises against doing so, as removing the tares might inadvertently harm the wheat. This teaches a lesson of patience and divine judgment.

4. Patience and Divine Judgment: Jesus teaches patience by advising not to hastily uproot the tares. Instead, He emphasizes that a time of divine judgment will come when the separation of the righteous and the wicked will occur. This highlights God's ultimate authority and wisdom in sorting out the genuine from the false.

5. Final Separation: The parable foreshadows a day of judgment when Jesus, as the Son of Man, will send His angels to separate the righteous from the wicked. The righteous will be welcomed into the kingdom of God, while the wicked will face judgment and punishment in the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14-15).

6. Repentance and Conversion: Your message also offers hope by encouraging sinners and those who may be categorized as "tares" to repent, turn away from sin, and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It highlights that there is an opportunity for transformation and becoming genuine followers of Christ.

7. Holiness and Separation: The call to "come out from among them" and "be ye separate" emphasizes the importance of holy living and separating from sinful practices. It reflects the biblical principle of sanctification (Hebrews 12:14).

Therefore, the parable of the wheat and tares is a profound teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ that reminds us of the coexistence of good and evil, the need for spiritual discernment, the patience of God in allowing both to grow together, and the promise of a future separation and judgment. It calls individuals to examine their spiritual state, repent, and turn to Christ for salvation before the day of separation and judgment arrives. Are you among the tares in the Church? You can change your position today by turning away from sinful habits through genuine repentance and be converted. “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour today!

Friday, August 21, 2020


“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do it with thy might; for there is (Ecclesiastes 9:10; Philippians 4:13).From this word of God, we could see that it’s the will of God for no work, no device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave, whither thou goest (and) … I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” every Christian to succeed in life.

Success or failure in life comes in line with one’s disposition to life. God has made time and resources available to man, and every opportunity must be made good use of. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”, the heart is the heart of all matters. The unregenerate heart is darkened, think evil and sees evil continually, thinks low and is brought low, think defeat and is defeated. But when Jesus cleanses your heart with His blood at salvation, your life and your attitude will change. Your heart and your thought are regenerated as you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior. Therefore, you must not allow Satan and the world to force on you any thought and the consequence actions that may hinder your success. Slothfulness, laziness, procrastination and discouragement must give way to discipline, diligent, enthusiasm and determination in your life endeavors.

Discover yourself: You are not an accident of creation. God made you for a purpose, prayerfully discover the purpose. God made you in His own image and likeness, the image of God is the image of success, Whatever He is, He want you to be (Genesis 1:27; Romans 8:29). God made you for His glory and praise. Why became a reproach to Him? If you are a believer, discover who you are in Christ. You are a king and a priest. God has chosen you to reign in heavenly places with Christ Jesus (Please read 1 Peter2:9; Ephesians 2:6).

Dream good dreams: It is one thing to have good dream, and quite another to preserve them. Mind whom you share your dream with and avoid dream’s killer. Someone said, “Do not share you six feet view of yourself with those who saw a dwarf in you” do not share your dreams with dream killers. Dream killers are people who are more critical than complimentary. They are people who mock and jest at your dream, example, Sambalat and Tobias mocked at Nehemiah while he embarked on building the wall of Jerusalem. Do not keep company with those who steal your time and energy with useless, sometimes useful, but diversionary talks. They are also dream killers. “He that walketh with the wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed”(proverbs 13:20). Usually it is seed sown on good ground that flourish. Dreams are success seeds. Know where you sow your dreams.Decree and pray: Now you have some divinely imparted ideas (dreams) in your mind. Ask God to help you pursue and realize them. He has promise to prosper the work of your hands; pray for the fulfillment of that promise. Decree the righteous, prayerful decrees, bringing into being favorable conditions, profitable opportunities and needed resources that will help you to actualize your dream. “Thus saith the Lord, the Holy one of Israel, and His Maker … concerning the work of my hands command ye me” (Isaiah 45:11).

Drive/enthusiasm: A strong desire will tunnel through mountains of difficulties. You may not be able to control the feelings or opinions of others about you or your dreams but you can control yours. Therefore, motivate yourself. Never surrender your zeal to criticism. “People who are afraid of criticism never make decisions which will liberate them” And don’t forget that success always attracts criticism. Start the pursuance of your dream with zeal, continue with zeal and finish up with zeal. Don’t let the fire go down. Always remember that you can do it as long as Christ is in you, He wants you to succeed and fulfill His divine purpose for your life. “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 2).

Discipline: To live a life of purpose and success, you must be disciplined. Success means maximizing the available resources in order to hit a desired target. Even in spiritual matters, no one can ever live a victorious Christian life without discipline. It takes discipline to rise up early in the morning to pray. It takes discipline to drop some activities in order to study the word of God. It takes discipline to overcome some temptations. It is true of all good ventures in life. Discipline will help you not waste your time, talents and resources but to channel them to the actualization of a goal. Discipline entails making sacrifice. He who would achieve little, sacrifices little. Great sacrifices always attend great successes. When the Bible says, “If thy right eye offend thee pluck it out, and cast it from thee … “(Matthew 5:29), that is discipline. If you are not discipline, you can not plan well; neither can you follow your plans through.

Determination: The saying goes that where there is will there is a way. If you are determined, you will not yield to distractions and intimidations from any angles. Determination means purpose of heart. Daniel 1:8 shows us that determination was Daniel’s success blueprint. He had a clear picture of what his life should be and he would not settle for transient, demeaning, and defiling options. It has rightly been observed that the enemy of the best is the good. Therefore, go for the best and always keep going for the best.Diligence: There is no food for the lazy man (2 Thessalonians 3:10). “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might …“(Ecclesiastes 9:10). That you are a Christian does not automatically guarantee you prosperity if you refuse to work. It is the work of your hand that God promised to prosper. That you recite psalm 23 many times a day does not guarantee food on your table except you rise to work, and you work hard. In the sweat of your face the Lord God said you should eat. Adam was put in the garden to dress it. Father Abraham was into animal husbandry (Genesis 13). Isaac was a farmer. “ And there was a famine in the land … And Isaac went unto Abimelech … then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundred fold: and the lord bless him” (Genesis 26:1, 12). In spite of the famine, Isaac went ahead to cultivate his farm, believing God to prosper his effort, and He did.Keep afloat by His sovereignty: It is God who gives the increase. We must therefore work with Him and by His word if we ever hope to make any good success in life.

Then our dreams, desires, drive and diligence must comply with the scriptures. Otherwise God will not bless what contradicts His word and His will. You must live a righteous life, doing your business with clean hands. God will always fight unrighteousness and break up evil alliances and unequal yoking in businesses. Faith in God is the crowing of all our efforts. “For the Lord God will help me; therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed” (Isaiah 50:7) … “The LORD … will bless us … He will bless them that fear the LORD, both small and great. The Lord shall increase you more and more and your children” (Psalm 115:11-14). Without God we can do nothing (John 15:5). So, if you are still a sinner, accept Jesus Christ into your life and make Him the Lord of your life. Then success and prosperity will follow. Remember to do away with procrastination and laziness. Act now and it will be well with you.