Friday, August 5, 2022


p>The Bible describes the agony of Christ and His supreme sacrifice at Calvary as the price of our salvation, our passport into God’s presence, the propitiation for our sins, the peacemaker for our reconciliation, the power of the Christian life and the provider of our blessings. The suffering was dreadful, the sacrifice was overwhelming – so much that on the night of His betrayal He told three of His disciples, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death” (Matthew 26:38); and to the Father, He prayed, “O my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt…and being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground” (Matthew 26:39; Luke 22:44).

Betrayed into the hands of his enemies by one of His disciples, denied by His foremost disciple and deserted by other disciples Jesus Christ was subjected to unjust and extremely painful trial s before the high priest, the Jewish council, Pilate and Herod; He endured cruel mockery, insults, scourging, and had a crown of thorns spitefully pressed upon His head. At Calvary his place of crucifixion, He was finally nailed to the cross to suffer unbearable pain until He bled to death.

Jesus Christ the son of God and our redeemer bore all the torture and anguish and, above all, the pain of separation from the Father at the time He bore the guilt of the human race. No wonder then that immediately He gave up the Ghost, the veil of the temple tore from top to bottom, the earth quaked, the rocks split, and graves opened (Matthew 27:51-52).

Jesus Christ paid the high price of salvation with His precious blood shed on the cross of Calvary. Nothing but His blood could atone for the grievous sins of mankind. Nothing else could have reconciled man to God. The prophet Isaiah declared the suffering Messiah to be absolute without fault. “Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him… (and to) make his soul an offering for sin…” (Isaiah 53:10). Not until Jesus Christ knew He had endured the full measure of God’s judgment against our sins did He cry, “It is finished: and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost” (John 19:30).

Sin separates people from the holy God and it will do so forever unless it is forgiven and washed away. And there is nothing we can do or any amount we can pay or any sacrifice we can offer that could ever atone for our guilt. But the joyful message of the gospel is that God, through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ, has procured our salvation from sin, sanctification, and removal of Adamic nature, healing from sickness, victory over Satan and his demons as well as the assurance of answer to prayers.

Outside of Christ’s sacrifice, there’s no other sacrifice for sin. Every sinner that comes to God, repenting of his sins and exercising faith in Christ’s atonement will be saved (1 John1:8-9). As Spurgeon once said, “if you were to wash your soul in the Atlantic Ocean, you might incarnadine (taint) every wave that washes all its shores, and yet the crimson spots of your transgression would remain. But plunge into the “fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel’s veins,” and in an instant, you are whiter than snow. Every peck, spot, and stain of sin is gone, and gone forever.”

Sinner friend, what are you waiting for? The price of your salvation has been paid by the Lord Jesus Christ. He paid dearly so that you can be justified freely. Now pray and confess your sins, repent and ask Jesus to wash you clean with His atoning blood. Believe in Him today and you will be saved from the power and penalty of sin.

And if you are already saved, then take some time to solemnly recall what it cost your Lord to redeem you from the darkness of sin and the world. Ponder on the humiliation and suffering He went through just to make you what you are today; then let this deeper understanding stir you to a life of greater consecration and commitment to Him. The price of your salvation is very great. Do not despise it!

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