Monday, August 24, 2020


The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it (Psalm 68:11). About forty authors of various occupations; Apostles, prophets, priests, prince, king, soldier, farmer, scribe, physician, tax collector, farmer, prime-minister, cupbearer, tentmaker etc. God used every usable vessel to convey His truth to the people. More than fifteen centuries elapsed between the writing of Genesis and Revelation. Nearly 400 years elapsed between the Old Testament which was written predominant in Hebrew (few verses in Aramaic) while the New Testament was written in the holy Bible is the word of God. Even though it is written by the agency of man, the Bible is the very word of God.

The evidences are:The amazing unity This unity is achieved in spite of the long period involved in the written and many authors of different occupations.It cannot be destroyed There were hammers of persecution, ridicule, higher criticisms, liberalism, and atheism but the mighty anvil of the scriptures stands unbroken, unshaken, and unchipped.Its Historical accuracy With the coming of archeology almost all the towns and places mentioned have been discovered.Its scientific accuracy. Although the Bible is a spiritual message from God and not specifically a scientific text-book, all scientific statements founds in the scriptures must nevertheless be taken literally and at face value.Its Prophetic accuracy. One of the acidic tests of any religion is its ability to predict the future. One fifth of the Bible is prophetical as at the time of writing, many have been fulfilled and others will still come to pass.It has universal influence upon civilization Western civilization is founded directly upon the Bible and its teachings.Its amazing circulation: It is the best seller among all books that are printed.Its absolute honesty.

The book did not spare men that seem to be close to God e.g. David, Moses, Elijah, Peter, etc. It exposed their sins, weakness, commitment, faithfulness and strength.Its life transforming power: The greatest proof of all that the Bible is indeed God’s word is its amazing ability to change corrupt humanity.Bible is not any book written by any man that can go for scripture. The term canon means a “reed” a “measure” or “rule” and suggests the testing of books to see if they meet the Divine standard.

The sixty-six books of the Bible is called Canon. By the year 300 B. C. (at the latest) all old Testament books had been written, collected, revered, and recognized as official canonical books. In A.D. 397, the twenty seven New Testament books were declared Canonical. There are some books in the Catholic Douay Bible which are known as Apocrypha (hidden) books, they are not recognized as inspired for the following reasons: They were not included in the Old Testament Canon, They were never quoted by Jew, Jesus or any New Testament writers. None of the claims divine inspiration. Some of them teach false doctrine such as praying for the dead. Lastly, some contain historical and geographical errors.

The central theme of the Bible is Jesus Christ and His redemption. Jesus said, “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me (John 5:39; Please read Luke 24:24-27, 44-45). Christ is in the Old Testament concealed and He is in the New Testament revealed. To fully understand the Bible and to rightly interpret its passage, we must first receive Jesus Christ as Savior and have a clear and definite experience of freedom from sin and its consequences.

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